Discipleship Training
Beginning November 2020 - May 2021
Why Adullam? Adullam refers to the cave of refuge where David and his followers fled when pursued by King Saul. It was a safe place - easily defended and equipped for the task at hand. This became the training ground for a band of everyday people to become mighty - from the caves of Adullam came the mighty warriors of legend. Why Adullam? We desire for you to grow into mighty followers of Jesus. |
Reading ListReading -
As part of this training, participants will come prepared each session by reading assigned reading ahead of time. This will include 3 mandatory books over six months, with a recommended reading list to be made available. Our first book is Jeff Vanderstelt's "Gospel Fluency." (see Amazon). Please order you copy and begin reading chapters 1-6 for Day#1 of training. |